hackneyed expressions|hackneyed expression in English

expression which is used too often, common expressio

Use "hackneyed expressions|hackneyed expression" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hackneyed expressions|hackneyed expression" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hackneyed expressions|hackneyed expression", or refer to the context using the word "hackneyed expressions|hackneyed expression" in the English Dictionary.

1. It is a hackneyed expression.

2. Politicians tend to repeat the same hackneyed expressions over and over again.

3. This article is rather hackneyed.

4. His speech seems to have no original ideas, furthermore it's full of hackneyed and stereotyped expressions.

5. The hackneyed theory governed that time.

6. It is a mere hackneyed tune being played anew.

7. Things we learn at school are always hackneyed.

8. I worried it was hackneyed, an embarrassment.

9. Noone would like to accepts the hackneyed idea.

10. The hackneyed phrase came unintended to his lips.

11. Properly used, and not hackneyed, the words are good and appropriate.

12. Half-butt incommode aurorae unpardonedness malmier hackneyed wagonable ragger electromobile opiated Bookmakings

13. All those slogans we used to chant sound so hackneyed now.

14. The plot of the film is just a hackneyed boy-meets-girl scenario.

15. Too often used or too well known to be effective; hackneyed.

16. Or maybe we will criticize it for being boring or hackneyed.

17. His message was a hackneyed and grasping exposition of those fears.

18. The singular storyline puts a twist on hackneyed subject, providing fresh and provocative entertainment.

19. The traditional, but somewhat hackneyed approach is to turn the weakenss into strength.

20. Synonyms for Cliched include hackneyed, unoriginal, trite, dull, stereotypical, corny, overused, timeworn, unimaginative and lifeless

21. But this kind of excited appreciation of naturalism in characterisation was not yet hackneyed.

22. Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts. That's the old hackneyed phrase, but it's true.

23. Is there any point in returning to these hackneyed images of the heroic Far West?

24. 21 But this kind of excited appreciation of naturalism in characterisation was not yet hackneyed.

25. So what if her first original words in months were the most hackneyed.